Chuck Muizers Explains How AI is Shaping National Defense | Avonak, TX
The Department of Defense (DOD) stated that artificial intelligence is expected to have a significant impact on society, and it is vital that the technology is integrated into warfighting plans. To address this issue, the agency is investing heavily in developing AI capabilities and implementing organizational changes. This article contains steps the DOD is taking to implement AI capabilities and how it will shape National Security .
Strategy Development
China and Russia are investing heavily in AI for national security reasons. The Department of Defense, on the other hand, is spending billions of dollars on developing AI capabilities and integrating them into its systems. Some of the agency’s AI capabilities include analyzing and predicting the mechanical failures of weapons systems and performing simple business tasks.
Some AI capabilities that the Department of Defense is currently developing are facial recognition software, which can analyze intelligence data and robotic ships that can detect and target missiles.
Acquisition and Development
The agency has previously faced issues in acquiring effective weapons systems, such as a lack of skilled workers and an acquisition process that can take several years. In February, it was revealed that the DOD is experiencing similar AI-related issues.
The acquisition and development of AI for use in complex battlefield tasks differs from traditional software. Instead of relying on static instructions, AI is designed to learn and improve on its given tasks. This process requires a large amount of data sets and computing power. Continuous monitoring ensures that the system performs as expected.
For instance, to train AI to identify helicopters, developers provide the program with numerous photos of different types of helicopters. This ensures that the model correctly identifies people or planes. Despite the Department of Defense’s progress in developing AI capabilities, it still needs to be clarified if these will be useful in combat.
Adoption Acceleration
Various initiatives were carried out to accelerate the Department of Defense’s ability to integrate and adopt AI capabilities. In February 2022, the agency established a new position called the Office of Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer. This new role was responsible for overseeing the development of AI, digital solutions, and data.
The Department of Defense has increased its investments in AI in recent years, as the technology is becoming more critical to the agency’s operations. For instance, the budget request for next year included $130.1 billion worth of research and development related to AI.
Originally published at on January 20, 2023.